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Reiki 2 Re-attunement




The Reiki II Reattunement is for those who have previously completed Reiki I and Reiki II.


Reignite your love and joy of Reiki. Reconnect to the powerful Reiki energy and the reconnection to your wonderful Reiki Healing Guides.


Please note: For the Reiki II Reattunement, you will receive the four Reiki I reattunements plus the Reiki II reattunement.



The Reiki II Re-attunement is perfect for those who have previously completed Reiki I and Reiki II. Once a Reiki Master has attuned you to Reiki you are always connected. However if you haven’t used Reiki for a long time you may feel that there is now a disconnection to the Reiki energy. Being reattuned may be all that is needed to help you feel connected once more.


Please note that this is not a full Reiki course. Each Reiki Master teaches differently and the resources that you would have received from your Reiki Master when you were first attuned are unique to their teaching of Reiki. Refer back to those resources to relearn the different hand positions and Reiki symbols.


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