We are now in the midst of COVID-19 and we are all experiencing unprecedented changes in the way we socialise and go about our day to day business. For many this has been a very stressful time. Fear and anxiety of the unknown are common reactions. Understand that what you are experiencing is absolutely normal. You are doing the best you can using the tools you are familiar with that you gathered from your life experiences.
As time goes on your mind and body will adjust to this new normality. Learn now to slow down your thought processes and breathe in deeply. Being in a constant state of anxiety and fear is not healthy for the mind or body. Have an awareness of how you are feeling or how you are reacting and adjust accordingly. For example if you find yourself feeling worried or anxious as you flick through every news channel to get the latest updates; look at only one reputable source such as the official Australian Government’s information site.
Your body reacts to what you are seeing and hearing. Learn how to control that reaction.
Importantly know that this all will pass. Take this opportunity to learn something new. Read a book, finish off a DIY project, explore the internet, binge on Netflix, do the gardening, defrost the chest freezer, clean out the garage, phone a friend. You are only limited by your imagination and motivation.
If you find you that are struggling – reach out. See your GP or check out our Resources page for a number agencies that you can contact for help.
Remember to take extra special care of yourself. You are not alone.